Go Beyond Basic: Why Choose Wintergreen Lawn For Your Home

Now that winter is officially over, you might be taking a closer look at your lawn. If your lawn is brown or dull green, it might be time for a replacement, especially now that spring is here. Spring provides the perfect opportunity to reseed your lawn. However, you need to choose the right lawn seed for the project. That's where the wintergreen lawn comes into the picture. Wintergreen is the perfect lawn for the Australian weather. Here are just some of the reasons to choose a wintergreen lawn. 

Low-Cost Maintenance

If you're looking for a lawn that doesn't require much maintenance, wintergreen is the choice for you. Australian conditions can be unrelenting, especially where your lawn is concerned. Pest infestations, weather damage and nutrient deficiencies can all have an adverse effect on your lawn. They can also increase the need for lawn maintenance, which is where wintergreen lawn becomes beneficial. Wintergreen lawn is hardy enough to withstand damage, which also reduces the maintenance costs. 

Resistant to Drought

If you're worried about the drought, and the effect it has on your lawn, it's time for a change. One of the great things about wintergreen lawn is that it's resistant to drought conditions. Wintergreen lawn doesn't require as much water as other lawn types do, which means your lawn will survive drought stress on a limited watering schedule. Not only that but more of the water will get absorbed into the roots, which means your lawn will stay healthy with limited water. 

Year-Round Color

If you're tired of looking at brown grass for at least half of each year, wintergreen lawn will change your perspective. Most lawn types go into a seasonal dormancy during the fall and winter months. Unfortunately, during this dormancy, lawns change from green to brown, which is not an appealing colour, especially where the lawn is concerned. That's where the wintergreen lawn comes into the picture. With proper care and maintenance, your wintergreen lawn will stay green throughout the year. 


If you avoid sitting on your lawn because you don't like the accompanying skin irritation, wintergreen lawn is the answer. Some lawns are so coarse that they leave your skin with irritating scratches and red marks. You won't have that problem with wintergreen lawn. That's because a wintergreen lawn provides a soft, carpeted texture for you to relax on. 

Don't settle for a basic lawn. Choose a wintergreen lawn and take your yard to the next level. Reach out to a local landscaping supply dealer to learn more about wintergreen grass.

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Making Your Business The Best

Hello, my name is Pippa and this is my new business blog. I am quite new to the world of business so I am not an expert. I started a very small company last year which sells goods over the internet. It was exciting but also scary. Thankfully, my friend Alex who is the managing director of a large corporation offered to help me to develop a business plan and apply for a loan so I could grow my product range. Since taking this advice, my business has really taken off so I decided to start a blog to offer advice to others.


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